Archive for the ‘Release’ Category

InstantReality 2.0 (RC 4)

Monday, November 8th, 2010

We releases a new RC4 of our instantreality Framework downloadable from our FTP Server.

InstantReality 2.0 (RC 3)

Thursday, October 7th, 2010

We have released a new release candidate for our upcoming instantreality 2.0 release. You can download it directly from our FTP.

Supported platforms are (all for x32 / x64 systems):

  • Debian 5.0
  • SuSe 11.3
  • RedHat (CentOS) 5.5
  • Ubuntu 9.10/10.4
  • Windows (VS 2008)
  • Mac OS

InstantReality RC1

Monday, July 12th, 2010

We are working on leaving the beta status for the upcoming instantreality 2.0 release. For this progress, we have a first RC-1 for download from the daily-build repository. We would be glad, if you can send us any feedback of unpredicted behaviors inside the forum.