Archive for the ‘examples’ Category

Connecting X3DOM with InstantIO

Wednesday, September 11th, 2013

Back in June we’ve presented a prototype of a new RESTful interface to exchange graphics based data values across networks at Web3D 2013. This interface can be used to query data from a running application, modify or use it to display something. Said prototype is implemented inside InstantIO, the hardware component of Instant Reality which supports more than 40 devices. For the first time now, you’re able to query hardware information from InstantIO through Javascript from a browser. We’ve set up a tutorial on how to connect a Oculus Rift HMD to an X3DOM application: X3DOM renders a scene as distorted stereo image but connects via REST API to a local InstantIO server, opens a WebSocket connection on the orientation field of the Oculus and uses the incoming data to rotate the view!

You can do this of course with arbitrary hardware (think of the LEAP support or the Kinect), but please bear in mind that this is only a preview at the moment.

You can find the tutorial here. Enjoy!

Face Tracker

Wednesday, January 26th, 2011

Checkout another example and see, how to use the integrated Fraunhofer IIS – SHORE FaceDetector inside the instantreality Framework.


Tuesday, January 18th, 2011

These examples demonstrate the features of the new CommonSurfaceShader node.
Included are examples for normal mapping, the perfect specular component, and an example of a scene exported from 3ds max.

Geospatial Component

Tuesday, January 18th, 2011

geospatial example

The new Geospatial-Examples demostrate the support for X3D’s Geospatial component in InstantReality.

OpenNI/Kinect skeleton tracking

Tuesday, January 11th, 2011

This example in our SVN repository shows how a hooked up Kinect device can be used to track a user skeleton. The new NI InstantIO node provides the input data which is converted to a small stick figure. To get going, simply stand in front of the camera and hold your arms up to form a Psi pose. This will trigger the user calibration, which after a successful run, will allow the skeleton tracker to run properly.


Monday, January 10th, 2011

Experimenal example, downloadable from our SVN with the intention of understanding the X3D spec about timers.

XMLHttpRequest in JavaScript

Friday, January 7th, 2011

A small example that shows how you can use the XMLHttpRequest object in JavaScript to access data from Http based services. This example uses XMLHttpRequest to access our RSS feed and constructs some Anchor objects from the gained data. You find it in our SVN repository. You can use XMLHttpRequest to to access many kinds of services, including many web APIs, databases like apaches CouchDB or writing files to WebDAV. There is an Tutorial on XMLHttpRequest that shows basics like accessing a web server, but also covers more advanced tasks like working with CouchDB or WebDAV.

UI Texture

Thursday, January 6th, 2011

We have added a little example, which shows how to  use QT-Widgets as an interactive Texture inside X3D Scenes, to our example SVN.

Particle Set

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

Little example for animating content of a ParticleSet, down-loadable from our SVN. This example was created in a way that it loads an image and for that parametrize the structure of the particle set. For that, you can change the input image to anything you like. Inside a fraction_changed event the z-value and the alpha blending of each particle is animated by sin & random functions.