Archive for July, 2010

Instant goes Siggraph

Thursday, July 22nd, 2010

instantreality goes Siggraph 2010. We present latest developments of high-performance 3D/VR, iPhone based Tracking and introduce X3DOM: X3D natively and pluginfree inside Browsers.
We also present several papers on the co-located Wed3D-Conference. Come, visit us in hall J, booth 1024 at LA Conference Center, 24-29 July 2010.


Special runtime environment which runs as a web-browser-plugin. Run the whole VR-System as ActiveX or Netscape plugin in your browser. Available on Windows and Linux. Can provide the WebInterface (http) as well as AEI or SAI on SOAP interfaces.

AR-Application with multiple tracker

A virtual flowfield is augmented onto the physical model of a car. The source sending the particles for the flowfield can be moved interactively in real-time. Therefor different tracking techniques (marker-based, line-based and feature-based tracking) are combined.



Preview instantreality‘s new rendering backend: An interactive ray tracer. With instantplugin you can even use raytracing for your X3D/X3DOM-content in your browser.

InstantReality RC2

Monday, July 19th, 2010

We have released a RC-2 of our Framework instantreality with some fixes for download:

  • On Windows the aopt optimizer was broken (caused by missing OpenMP libraries)
  • Rendering backend was compiled with debug flags activated

Please test your content and report any issue in the forum.

Important change to ‘zRatio’

Friday, July 16th, 2010

Noticed some strange behavior in your Viewspace nodes?

instantreality offers the possibility to automatically adjust the zNear/zFar clipping planes for your scenes. An important context variable for this adjustment is ‘zRatio’. zRatio is the maximal allowed ratio of zFar/zNear and effectively controls how near the near clipping plane can get to the viewpoint.

The default value of this variable was recently (rev. 13473 2010-06-24) changed to 10000. For scenes that use the automatic zNear adjustment of instantreality (i.e. zNear in ViewBindable is set to -1), this will push the near clipping plane farther into the scene. Usually this is desirable, as it gives better z-buffer precision and reduces z-fighting [1]. However, if you were using Viewspace nodes and automatic zNear adjustment the new near clipping plane may clip away some of the elements in the Viewspace.

In general, automatic zNear adjustment should not be used with Viewspace nodes, because the near clipping plane is constantly changing (although within bounds that depend on the scene and zRatio). The prefered way to solve this issue is to explicitly specify Viewbindable.zNear and then use Viewspace.translation to move the children of the Viewspace beyond the near clipping plane. When specifying zNear/zFar manually you should always try to push the near plane as far into the scene as possible, because — as stated above — this improves z-buffer precision (see [1] for a detailed explanation).

That said, it is also possible to restore the old behavior by setting zRatio to 100000. There are three possibilities to do this:

  1. use the “–zRatio=100000” command line parameter (without quotation marks, of course)
  2. use the web interface (press b in instantplayer, this should bring up a web page, then navigate to Setup -> zRatio)
  3. use the ACP_zRatio environment variable (e.g. “set ACP_zRatio=100000” or “export ACP_zRatio=100000”)


InstantReality RC1

Monday, July 12th, 2010

We are working on leaving the beta status for the upcoming instantreality 2.0 release. For this progress, we have a first RC-1 for download from the daily-build repository. We would be glad, if you can send us any feedback of unpredicted behaviors inside the forum.