instantreality 1.0

Engine component

: This component provides an enginegraph. The engine is completely separated from the scenegraph. For this reason it’s well-suited for scene-independet configurations (like clustering) and passes to be performed per frame, not per node. The device backends implemented in HID (Human interface devices) can be accessed/connected via the engine graph and easily used in the scene.

Name Standard Status Comment
CollisionJob Avalon stable
SoundJob Avalon stable
ClusterWindow Avalon stable
ColorDisplayFilter Avalon stable
ImprovedColorDisplayFilter Avalon stable
TileViewModifier Avalon stable
ExternalInterfaceJob Avalon stable
DeferredViewarea Avalon alpha
TimerJob Avalon stable
CombinerJob Avalon stable
ResolutionDisplayFilter Avalon stable
ClientJob Avalon stable
Window Avalon stable
RenderJob Avalon stable
MultiDisplayClusterWindow Avalon stable
Navigator2D Avalon stable
LocalWindow Avalon stable
WebServiceJob Avalon stable
WebInterfaceJob Avalon stable
TiledClusterWindow Avalon stable
ShearedStereoViewModifier Avalon stable
MatrixViewModifier Avalon stable
StandardViewarea Avalon stable
Engine Avalon stable
SortFirstClusterWindow Avalon stable
ParallelStereoViewModifier Avalon stable
DeviceHandler Avalon stable
SynchronizeJob Avalon stable
WindowGroup Avalon stable
ImprovedDistortionDisplayFilter Avalon stable
SortLastClusterWindow Avalon stable
DistortionDisplayFilter Avalon stable
InteractionJob Avalon stable
ProjectionViewModifier Avalon stable
Viewarea X3D3.2 stable