instantreality 1.0

fully implemented
Structure type:


The PositionDamper2D calculates damper-animation for SFVec2f values



XML encoding
<PositionDamper2D logFeature=''
initialDestination='0 0'
initialValue='0 0'
Classic encoding
PositionDamper2D {
	logFeature [""]
	enabled TRUE
	description ""
	order 1
	triggerName "Timer"
	tolerance -1
	tau 0
	initialDestination 0 0
	initialValue 0 0


Filter: X3D only | Avalon only | All
id Name DataType PartType Default ValueType Description
SFBool enabled SFBool inputOutput TRUE Enables/disables the sensor node.
SFBool isActive SFBool outputOnly FALSE isActive true/false events are sent when the sensor gets active
SFFloat tolerance SFFloat inputOutput -1 [0, Inf) if tolerance is set to its default value -1, the browser implementation is allowed to find a good way for detecting the end of a transition. Browsers that do not have an elaborate algorithm can just use .001 as the tolerance value instead. If a value larger than zero is specified for tolerance, the browser shall calculate the difference between output and input for each internal filter being used and stop the animation only when all filters fall below that limit or are equal to it
SFInt32 order SFInt32 initializeOnly 1 [0, 5] The field order specifies the number of such internal filters. Specifying zero for order means that no filter is used. In this case the events received on set_destination are forwarded directly to output_changed
SFNode metadata SFNode inputOutput MetadataObject container for payload metadata inside MetadataSet element
SFString description SFString inputOutput Text description to comment the sensor task. Can be used in run-time systems to give usefull feedback to the user and developer
SFTime tau SFTime inputOutput 0 [0, Inf) The field tau specifies the time-constant of the internal filters and thus the speed that the output of an X3DDamperNode responds to the input
SFVec2f initialDestination SFVec2f initializeOnly 0 0 initializes the internal destination state of the node
SFVec2f initialValue SFVec2f initializeOnly 0 0 initializes the internal value state of the node
SFVec2f set_destination SFVec2f inputOnly The set_destination inputOnly field receives new destination values, resulting in the value_changed field sending output values in most cases.
SFVec2f set_value SFVec2f inputOnly With the set_value inputOnly field, one can immediately force the current value towards a certain value
SFVec2f value_changed SFVec2f outputOnly The value_changed outputOnly field outputs the current value of the internal state