instantreality 1.0

fully implemented
Structure type:


GeoViewpoint specifies viewpoints using geographic coordinates. GeoViewpoint can contain a GeoOrigin node. Since GeoViewpoint must navigate smoothly inside a curved geographic coordinate system, it includes both Viewpoint and NavigationInfo attributes.



XML encoding
<GeoViewpoint geoSystem=''GD','WE''
orientation='0 0 1 0'
position='0 0 100000'
Classic encoding
GeoViewpoint {
	geoSystem ["'GD','WE'"]
	fieldOfView 0.785398
	orientation 0 0 1 0
	position 0 0 100000
	headlight TRUE
	navType ["EXAMINE"]
	speedFactor 1.0
	zNear -1
	zFar -1
	jump TRUE
	retainUserOffsets FALSE
	isDefault FALSE
	description ""
	triggerName "Synchronize"
	logFeature [""]


Filter: X3D only | Avalon only | All
id Name DataType PartType Default ValueType Description
MFString geoSystem MFString initializeOnly 'GD','WE' Defines the geographic coordinate system that will be used for the geospatial coordinates in that node.
MFString navType MFString initializeOnly EXAMINE ANY; WALK; FLY; LOOKAT; EXAMINE; NONE; Specifies the navigation type that is to be bound when this GeoViewpoint node is bound. The acceptable values for this field are the same as those for the type field of the NavigationInfo node. ANY: browser may choose the navigation paradigm that best suits the content; WALK: exploring a virtual world on foot or in a vehicle that rests on or hovers above the ground; FLY: similar to WALK except that terrain following and gravity may be disabled or ignored; LOOKAT: explore a scene by navigating to a particular object; EXAMINE: viewing individual objects, spin the user's eyepoint about the center of rotation in response to user actions; NONE: disables and removes all browser-specific navigation user interface
SFBool headlight SFBool initializeOnly TRUE Enable/disable directional light that always points in the direction the user is looking
SFBool isBound SFBool outputOnly FALSE Event true sent when node becomes active, event false sent when unbound by another node.
SFBool isInteractive SFBool outputOnly FALSE Event true sent when node becomes interactive, user can navigate the view transformation
SFBool jump SFBool inputOutput TRUE Sspecifies whether the user's view jumps to the position and orientation of a bound node or remains unchanged
SFBool retainUserOffsets SFBool inputOutput FALSE retainUserOffsets is FALSE, the viewer is returned to the originally defined viewpoint position/orientation after local navigation
SFBool set_bind SFBool inputOnly Sending event set_bind=true makes this node active. Sending event set_bind=false makes this node inactive. Thus setting set_bind to true/false will pop/push (enable/disable) this Bindable
SFFloat fieldOfView SFFloat initializeOnly 0.785398 (0, pi) Preferred minimum viewing angle from this viewpoint in radians. Small field of view roughly corresponds to a telephoto lens, large field of view roughly corresponds to a wide-angle lens.
SFFloat speedFactor SFFloat initializeOnly 1.0 [0, inf) Default rate at which viewer travels through scene, meters/second. The speedFactor is used as a multiplier to the elevation-based velocity that the node sets internally.
SFNode geoOrigin SFNode initializeOnly GeoOrigin The geoOrigin field is used to specify a local coordinate frame for extended precision.
SFNode metadata SFNode inputOutput MetadataObject container for payload metadata inside MetadataSet element
SFRotation orientation SFRotation inputOutput 0 0 1 0 Rotation of Viewpoint, relative to default -Z axis direction in local coordinate system. Hint: this is orientation _change_ from default direction (0 0 -1) +Y axis is the up vector for the local area (the normal to the tangent plane on the ellipsoid), -Z points towards the north pole, and +X is east 1 0 0 -1.57 always looks down.
SFString description SFString initializeOnly Text description or navigation hint to be displayed for this Bindable. Hint: make descriptions clear and readable. Warning: without description, Bindable (e.g. Viewpoint objs) can not be activated/deactivated with keyboard or gui messages (e.g. switched with PgUp bzw PgDn)
SFTime bindTime SFTime outputOnly Event sent when node becomes active/inactive.
SFVec3d position SFVec3d inputOutput 0 0 100000 Position relative to local georeferenced coordinate system, in proper format