instantreality 1.0

fully implemented
Structure type:


GeoElevationGrid is a geometry node, defining a a rectangular height field above a curved geographic surface using geographic coordinates. GeoElevationGrid can contain GeoOrigin, Color, Normal and TextureCoordinate nodes. Hint: insert a Shape node before adding geometry or Appearance.



XML encoding
<GeoElevationGrid zSpacing='1.0'
height='0 0'
geoGridOrigin='0 0 0'
Classic encoding
GeoElevationGrid {
	zSpacing 1.0
	zDimension 0
	yScale 1
	xDimension 0
	xSpacing 1.0
	solid TRUE
	normalPerVertex TRUE
	creaseAngle 0
	colorPerVertex TRUE
	ccw TRUE
	height [0 0]
	geoGridOrigin 0 0 0
	geoSystem ["'GD','WE'"]
	logFeature [""]
	optimizationMode ["auto"]
	cacheMode "auto"
	invalidateVolume FALSE
	normalUpdateMode "nice"
	multiResolutionLevel 1
	lit TRUE
	resolution 1


Filter: X3D only | Avalon only | All
id Name DataType PartType Default ValueType Description
MFDouble height MFDouble inputOutput 0 0 Contains xDimension rows * zDimension columns floating-point values for elevation above ellipsoid values are in row-major order from west to east, south to north geoGridOrigin is in southwest (lower-left) corner of height dataset.
MFString geoSystem MFString initializeOnly 'GD','WE' Defines the geographic coordinate system that will be used for the geospatial coordinates in that node.
SFBool ccw SFBool initializeOnly TRUE ccw = counterclockwise: ordering of vertex coordinates orientation. Hint: ccw false can reverse solid (backface culling) and normal-vector orientation.
SFBool colorPerVertex SFBool initializeOnly TRUE TRUE: Color node is applied per vertex; FALSE: Color node is applied per quadrilateral
SFBool normalPerVertex SFBool initializeOnly TRUE TRUE: Normal node is applied per vertex; FALSE: Normal node is applied per quadrilateral
SFBool solid SFBool initializeOnly TRUE Specifies whether to draw only one side or both sides of polygons. Warning: default value true can completely hide geometry if viewed from wrong side. TRUE: draw only one side of polygons (backface culling on); FALSE: draw both sides of polygons (backface culling off)
SFDouble creaseAngle SFDouble initializeOnly 0 [0, inf) CreaseAngle defines the angle (in radians) for determining whether adjacent polygons are drawn with sharp edges or smooth shading. If angle between normals of two adjacent polygons is less than creaseAngle, smooth shading is rendered across the shared line segment. Hint: creaseAngle=0 means render all edges sharply, creaseAngle=3.14 means render all edges smoothly.
SFDouble xSpacing SFDouble initializeOnly 1.0 Distance between grid-array vertices along east-west X direction. When geoSystem is GD, xSpacing is number of degrees of longitude. When geoSystem is UTM, xSpacing is number of eastings (meters).
SFDouble zSpacing SFDouble initializeOnly 1.0 Distance between grid-array vertices along north-south Z direction. When geoSystem is GDC, zSpacing is number of degrees of latitude. When geoSystem is UTM, zSpacing is number of northings (meters).
SFFloat yScale SFFloat inputOutput 1 Vertical exaggeration of displayed data.
SFInt32 xDimension SFInt32 initializeOnly 0 Number of elements of the grid height array in the east-west X direction.
SFInt32 zDimension SFInt32 initializeOnly 0 Number of elements of the grid height array in the north-south Z direction.
SFNode color SFNode inputOutput Color Specifies per-vertex or per-quadrilateral colours for the ElevationGrid node depending on the value of colorPerVertex. If the color field is NULL, the node is rendered with the overall attributes of the Shape node.
SFNode geoOrigin SFNode initializeOnly GeoOrigin The geoOrigin field is used to specify a local coordinate frame for extended precision.
SFNode metadata SFNode inputOutput MetadataObject container for payload metadata inside MetadataSet element
SFNode normal SFNode inputOutput Normal Specifies per-vertex or per-quadrilateral normals for the ElevationGrid node. If the normal field is NULL, the browser automatically generates normals.
SFNode texCoord SFNode inputOutput TextureCoordinateBase Specifies per-vertex texture coordinates for the ElevationGrid node. If texCoord is NULL, default texture coordinates are applied to the geometry. Default texture coordinates range from (0,0) at the first vertex to (1,1) at the last vertex.
SFVec3d geoGridOrigin SFVec3d initializeOnly 0 0 0 Geographic coordinate for southwest (lower-left) corner of height dataset.