instantreality 1.0

fully implemented
Structure type:


Background simulates ground and sky, using vertical arrays of wraparound color values, Background can also provide backdrop textures on all six sides. Background, Fog, NavigationInfo, TextureBackground and Viewpoint are bindable nodes.



XML encoding
<Background backUrl=''
skyColor='0 0 0'
Classic encoding
Background {
	backUrl [""]
	bottomUrl [""]
	frontUrl [""]
	leftUrl [""]
	rightUrl [""]
	topUrl [""]
	groundAngle []
	groundColor []
	skyAngle []
	skyColor [0 0 0]
	groundTransparency []
	skyTransparency []
	transparency 0
	panoramaAtFront TRUE
	clearStencilBitplanes -1
	isDefault FALSE
	description ""
	triggerName "Synchronize"
	logFeature [""]


Filter: X3D only | Avalon only | All
id Name DataType PartType Default ValueType Description
MFString backUrl MFString inputOutput Image background panorama between ground/sky backdrop and scene's geometry. Hint: Strings can have multiple values, so separate each string by quote marks [ '' '' 'etc.' ]. Hint: XML encoding for ' is ampersandquot; (a character entity). Warning: strictly match directory and filename capitalization for http links! Hint: can replace embedded blank(s) in url queries with %20 for each blank character. Interchange profile hint: this field may be ignored.
SFTime bindTime SFTime outputOnly Event sent when node becomes active/inactive.
MFString bottomUrl MFString inputOutput Image background panorama between ground/sky backdrop and scene's geometry. Hint: Strings can have multiple values, so separate each string by quote marks [ '' '' 'etc.' ]. Hint: XML encoding for ' is ampersandquot; (a character entity). Warning: strictly match directory and filename capitalization for http links! Hint: can replace embedded blank(s) in url queries with %20 for each blank character. Interchange profile hint: this field may be ignored.
SFString description SFString initializeOnly Text description or navigation hint to be displayed for this Bindable. Hint: make descriptions clear and readable. Warning: without description, Bindable (e.g. Viewpoint objs) can not be activated/deactivated with keyboard or gui messages (e.g. switched with PgUp bzw PgDn)
MFString frontUrl MFString inputOutput Image background panorama between ground/sky backdrop and scene's geometry. Hint: Strings can have multiple values, so separate each string by quote marks [ '' '' 'etc.' ]. Hint: XML encoding for ' is ampersandquot; (a character entity). Warning: strictly match directory and filename capitalization for http links! Hint: can replace embedded blank(s) in url queries with %20 for each blank character. Interchange profile hint: this field may be ignored.
MFFloat groundAngle MFFloat inputOutput [0, pi/2] The angle values increase from 0.0 nadir (straight down) to /2=1.5708 (horizon). Warning: you must have one more groundColor value than groundAngle values. Warning: colors at groundAngle=0 are ignored. Interchange profile hint: this field may be ignored.
MFColor groundColor MFColor inputOutput Color of the ground at the various angles on the ground partial sphere. First value is color of ground at 0.0 radians representing the nadir (straight down). Warning: you must have one more groundColor value than groundAngle values. Interchange profile hint: this field may be ignored.
SFBool isBound SFBool outputOnly FALSE Event true sent when node becomes active, event false sent when unbound by another node.
MFString leftUrl MFString inputOutput Image background panorama between ground/sky backdrop and scene's geometry. Hint: Strings can have multiple values, so separate each string by quote marks [ '' '' 'etc.' ]. Hint: XML encoding for ' is ampersandquot; (a character entity). Warning: strictly match directory and filename capitalization for http links! Hint: can replace embedded blank(s) in url queries with %20 for each blank character. Interchange profile hint: this field may be ignored.
SFNode metadata SFNode inputOutput MetadataObject container for payload metadata inside MetadataSet element
MFString rightUrl MFString inputOutput Image background panorama between ground/sky backdrop and scene's geometry. Hint: Strings can have multiple values, so separate each string by quote marks [ '' '' 'etc.' ]. Hint: XML encoding for ' is ampersandquot; (a character entity). Warning: strictly match directory and filename capitalization for http links! Hint: can replace embedded blank(s) in url queries with %20 for each blank character. Interchange profile hint: this field may be ignored.
SFBool set_bind SFBool inputOnly Sending event set_bind=true makes this node active. Sending event set_bind=false makes this node inactive. Thus setting set_bind to true/false will pop/push (enable/disable) this Bindable
MFFloat skyAngle MFFloat inputOutput [0, pi] The angle values increase from 0.0 zenith (straight up) to /2=1.57 (horizon) to =3.14159 (nadir). Warning: you must have one more skyColor value than skyAngle values. Warning: colors at skyAngle=0 are ignored. Interchange profile hint: this field may be ignored.
MFColor skyColor MFColor inputOutput 0 0 0 Color of the sky at various angles on the sky sphere. First value is color of sky at 0.0 radians representing the zenith (straight up). Warning: you must have one more skyColor value than skyAngle values. Interchange profile hint: only one color might be rendered, others can be ignored.
MFString topUrl MFString inputOutput Image background panorama between ground/sky backdrop and scene's geometry. Hint: Strings can have multiple values, so separate each string by quote marks [ '' '' 'etc.' ]. Hint: XML encoding for ' is ampersandquot; (a character entity). Warning: strictly match directory and filename capitalization for http links! Hint: can replace embedded blank(s) in url queries with %20 for each blank character. Interchange profile hint: this field may be ignored.
SFFloat transparency SFFloat inputOutput 0 [0, 1] transparency applied to sky and ground spheres.